The Chimaera Project is turning its Spotlight on Janet Von, a Los Angeles producer, talent manager and business owner of a media/management company as well as an owner of a straw alternative company.
TCP: Janet, thanks so much for taking the time to speak with us. Let’s first let our readers learn a little more about you and your background.
JV: I am first generation American, both parents are from Paraguay. I grew up with strong role models and both parents being extremely supportive of my wildest dreams. I fell into acting at a young age due to my obsession with television. Growing up in Orlando Florida there is a large commercial industry due to the tourist attractions in Orlando. From ages 13-18 I spent a lot of time on sets just falling in love with creating; this brought me to where I am today: I produce and manage talent of all forms. My success has given me the confidence to help others and spread motivation and positivity.
TCP: That is super exciting. You must have a lot of stories from your varied experiences, but let’s focus for a moment on your business mind. You are always creating new endeavors, right?
JV: I am an entrepreneur by heart and I’m always excited about a new project. My goal is to lift others up, let the younger generation know that you don’t need to fit society’s mold and continue living a happy, thankful life. I want to be the best boss, manager, producer, friend, daughter and sister that I can possibly be.
TCP: Well it sounds like you are already; you seem to thrive on creating successful companies and businesses. You must have several things that you are beaming with pride about.
JV: Standing side stage with my artist that I manage and watching him perform to 50 thousand people when we have worked so hard to obtain that fan base is one of them. I am most proud of having a successful management company and just launched another business yesterday that I started on my own that’s completely separate from the entertainment field.
TCP: But we are sure it hasn’t always been easy. What have you found to be the difficulties?
JV: Every day is different! Once an obstacle presents itself, it’s coming up with solutions that move you forward. I am very fortunate to not allow any bumps in the road stop me from going after what I want and what my clients want.
TCP: Would you say that is the most important thing? Tenacity?
JV: It’s committing to yourself. It’s deciding to put you and your needs first. You cannot allow anyone to make you feel like you are dreaming too big. You have all the tools to start a business, or become anything you want to be in life. Go to bed early, wake up early, read books about people who did what you want to do. Use the internet to learn instead of using it to waste your time and even when things feel like it’s the end of the world it’s not. You will overcome, you will succeed if you choose that path for yourself. Stay in a positive mindset. Mindset is everything.
TCP: A positive mindset, we love it! You are so inspiring. So who inspires you?
JV: I could name many people that inspire me. America Young, Shonda Rhimes, Sharon Osborne, My mom, Jen Sincero and many many others. I think I find inspiration daily through Instagram, articles and books that I’m reading. It’s been a combination of events that really brought me to where I am today. Like, the EP at “Home and Family,” (my first production job) the EP, Tracy Verna, gave me a shot and made me feel like I could amount to anything in this business. That job really gave me extreme confidence and I’m forever grateful.
TCP: It is wonderful when you feel like you have been empowered. How do you try to uplift others, do you do it by trying to create equal opportunities for all?
JV: Equal opportunities are important but, also, just awareness and inspiring others to put themselves out there more. We are making sure that we are also creating opportunities where our talent could be representative for an audience who is not used to seeing someone who looks like them on the TV.
TCP: That all sounds so exciting and we can’t wait to see where you, your companies and your clients end up! Thank you so much for taking the time to chat and share your wisdom.
To learn more about Janet Von and her companies, please check her out online planetjanettv.com and on socials at @PlanetJanetTV and @Decibelmediagroup.