Casey McKinnon is proud to be an ambassador for the Chimaera Project and to literally and metaphorically hold the door open for every woman she can.
Best known for her extensive web series career dating back to 2005, Casey has directed over a hundred webisodes, produced SONY’s official Comic-Con coverage, and wrote a bi-weekly column about the early new media industry for The Guardian. Her two most popular shows, Galacticast and A Comicbook Orange, had a total of 8 seasons, received over 13 million views, and won her and her co-creator Rudy Jahchan multiple awards over their run.
Having trained in Shakespeare at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, she works primarily as an actor of stage and screen, and her work as a filmmaker reflects her desire to take her career in her own hands rather than wait for it to happen. She believes very strongly that “there is no fate but what we make.”