Inside a Collage by Bella Racklin
Acting Like Women by Cheri Gaulke
Wise Love by Tomeka Winborne
The Job of Songs by Lila Schmitz
Esmeralda by Jennifer Greco
Tainted by Tonya Mollineau
Punk is Punk by Kimberly Bautista
Tooth by Jillian Corsie
Good Side of Bad by Alethea Root
The Village That Once Was by Tyrrell Shaffner
Once Was by Lilan Bowden
Dragonfly by Julia Morizawa
The Ciguapa by Blaine Morris
Do Digital Curanderas Use Eggs In Their Limpias? by Roberto Fatal
George Shirley: Il Rudolfo Nero by Miranda Plant
Leveling Lincoln by Arden Teresa Lewis
Time Apart by Courtney Hope Therond